woensdag 29 april 2015

"An error has occurred" in the Mendix UI: webservice with bad endpoint constant configuration

When working with webservices I kept on receiving the very clear (not) message "An error has occurred" in the Mendix UI. Locally developed and tested, all was fine, but when moved to the test environment, this kept popping up.
Debugging gave no further details, stack trace and additional logging showed a SOAP "fault" HTTP 200 OK.
However, under water a webservice was invoked, and for end point resolving we used a constant which is configurable for each environment; that is where it went wrong.

Locally the endpoint was configured correctly, but on the test server environment the endpoint was set to http://something.test.local/ws-doc/GetPersonList?wsdl
Obviously not the right endpoint, but no proper error information was available hinting at this.
So, check your endpoint configuration if you run into this error, when using Mendix webservices!

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